Friday, October 8, 2021

Extra Sensory Perceptions of an Eavesdropper Spirit

They give me their secrets,
The logic they bury
The visions
Tossed to dreams
By the suppression of day
As if s gravity
Felling truths
We have chosen
To ignore in our days.

They show me
The things they see,
But more importantly,
How they see them.

A Friend's Encouraging Words

Sure, man,
Life is a prism
But accept the prison
Constraints and limitations of life
We all live in 'em
For the love of livin

Every man here
Is here
Now that's beginning
Something like family
And having visions
Of acquisition
So we can flex our giving
Our search for our position
Not just our gifts within us
But for the compass
That magnetism
This life
This swirling prism
This light
Sometimes a prison
From which we seek flight
Like a bat at night
Into gamma
Into that place
Outside of light

It might be our disgrace
If i heard them right
But there's a direction
To every hibernating bear
Or bird in flight
You can spy it right there
In the details of life
The truth it's come to glare
It's so blazing bright.

I won't say
That we leave the maze
Energy plays
And blossoms in ways
That no sage could say
We trough our dreams
Upon a page
Upon a caveman's cave
Through the tincture
Of the flowers
Dirt and stones of the day.

Strong Women

The whole song of life
Singing in your gentle sights,
Dreams interweaving

For a comfortable ride
Where grandma tells stories
And still laughs
With her eyes.

Something about 
You ladies,
Some of you
See through tragedy

Some of you fight
Tooth and nail
And now the quilt
And then the needle
And the thread
Stories at night
And a real live fire
Burning inside us all.

And we'll sing
And we'll laugh
And gratitude
Will slowly
Melt us to mud
And the future
Will dance 
In the rain.

Transformative Path of the Masterless Prophets

The dreams of the men
Who slept in the manger
During the winter
Were mostly 
Yet, among them
Was a young addict
An educated boy
An awakened soul.

What he missed most
He couldn't let go
And what he let go
Haunted him,
What he saw both amazed him
And came to
Crush him.
Pulverize him
To steam,
Invisible steam
To cycle through
From the ocean
To the clouds
To the snow and the rain
All his pain
Squeezed out
He thought he
Would not survive
The whole 
Transformative pain.

But said haunting ghosts
Dove fast through
Sparing no time
To catch the young man
Who gave 
With all his might.

To have seen love
Walk like lightning
Upon the shores 
Of outstanding sight
Depth of night
Milky breaths of cold
Shining fire 
From the mind
To the skin
Of the ocean
And shimmering, again.

And then the sound,
Water bubbling,
Sipped by the sand
Waves gulping
Foam Cymbals 
Thin water stretching
Like a hand up the
Inside the dress
The salty of dance
Was the sand 
And the smell of moon
Peppered with brine.

You Blessed Nothing

Hold onto this string here.

There you go,
Watch out
For that right there
But the past, too,
Is s screaming car.
That angry driver is you
One day
Acting like an asshole
As we All do.

It's inevitable.

Here are some tips:
Listen to music 
And don't just hear it.

Study language while you're at it
And come up with theories
If you're going to go crazy.

If you like going crazy
For some reason.

Mathematics or Jesus
can center you.

Even the heavy metals
Of the netherworld 
Do not compare 
To the atomic bomb,
They say.

I dunno if i agree.
Mind shattering fury:
If they don't breed the very devil
They breed something
That dies for a while
Wilted as if exhaling life
With all its strength
Ever so slowly
And determined.

So the mathematics 
Will help you count
While your down
Taking a breather
Wondering if it's all worth it,
"What the hell, man? I thought we were cool de la?"

But yeah, it's a wilderness out there.
Don't let the right angles
Confuse you 
Don't let the perfect teeth
And shiny tech 
Eat you up as Chew your mind
You're a god damn monkey
With some vague notion of why life is
And is about,
And you'd probably not die for it.

Why should anyone have to 
if they come in peace and mean no harm?

Word Escape

I should not fight
The weight
That my heart feels
And simply place it
Upon my pages
Always ready for
syllabic arms
To open my windows
And blow my thoughts away.

paradise later

I can smell it
In the breeze
A long lost

It's something
I sometimes see
And ignore
So i can live
My life.

That clay
They used
To shape me
To walk through
The universe's mind

Memories that we hold
Give light,

There's so little here
but so much
buried inside

I dig a hole
I build a bridge
I build a city and then the lie
that not now
but someday
we will arrive.

Modern Faith

A question lingers
As it shouldn't.
A beautiful widow
Whose knotted hair
Could unwind time
And cast us
To stone,
Of alabaster bone,
and millennia later
ghosts walk out of those 
remnants of us,
and back into the crowd
to unlearn the instinct
to save

so chips may fall
where they may
and this is our method
of faith.


I should master
The demons in me.
I should not feel
Any envy.
I should be higher
Than I have been.
How i hate you,

You give me
Impossible heights
To strive for;
Things I'd die for,
And you'd actually
Take my life for;

Life is bigger
Than my record,
Than my life-stream
the light that your moments send me,
You give to me,
I take and bless them
In my dreams,

I kiss your bird beings
I breathe into
Your worms through
Skin and earth
I give eggs
And break birth
And make love
Sweeten over time
And the bread rise
And tides turn into
Cloud's wombs
And back to you
And back to you
The song would pull you
Take you through
All that your old soul
Ever knew
All that you wished
Of life
Tied there
Anchored there
In your crimson heart
Upon the ink of time
For you to take and swim in
Dance upon
Write with your steps
That song
That invisible truth
We shall not speak
But be
The flowing forces
These channels
Our tributaries
And the natives 
That wait upon their shores.

We twinkle
Pulsating dream
D/c current light
Strobe to my kind
Hope to my heart
Love diamonds
Fall upon my red mind

Meaning in it

I made you
Don't hate me
We painted with
The canvass was running
Toward something
Retreating into
But i knew, i knew
There was something

I disappeared 
And saw that law
Twist around me
Like the crown,
Like a horn,
Like the seas rubbing
Shores to new shape.

I'm in the mist, maybe,
i die here
You die there
We all die,
All the time
So me here
Is a distant moment
Dug deep here
Dug from within me
This dirt
These broken
Scentless words

They heap up
And say something
i think
In the end
They say something.

Guiltless Dream

Every man
Has his pain

Life already drove
Mankind out the cave

Out the cranium

Outer space

A million ways
You can take 
To the future

You could go
Your own pace

But every man
Is afraid

It's a jungle
Through time
Even spaces
Where it's paved

So when it comes
To nature

I'ma dance
I'ma sing
I'ma live life
As if it were
A guiltless dream.

Tough Love

It'll be many moons
Before i learn
To love you.
Sometimes I'm lost;
I know it all.

As i go about
My business
i think about you;
When i dream
i do dream
Of you.

Here we are
Don't let the magic
Confound you;
Trust in love
With all your are
Nit just your heart


To give all
Of yourself
To find
And know well
What you can give

And to have the heart
When all
Either turn their back
Or hit
With all their might:

That's just life
Trying to teach you.

Love has to to be
Tougher than hate.

That's just the family
Trying to make you
Strong enough

For this path
That you're on

So take

Our love with all
You know.
Go be great
But don't forget
That it was love
That made you grow.

Life is a strange situation
When you're questioning
The ways of man;

Thoughts that lead you
To depressions,
Back into the caves
We went.

A new type to darkness
A bad surprise
To buy time

To give us all
The space and time
To reorganize

Wrong and right
Are relative worlds and words.

We're all so right
And so irrelevant, too,
So don't your cry
If no one 
Wants to hear you

There's a voice inside
And an ear that
Will always listen

It's all in you
When you can't find it
Anywhere else.

It's all in you
When you're drowning
And shouting for help
But no one comes;
It's the hardest lesson
You'll learn

From where love comes
It is given
And it must be earned.


What comes
From the chamber
Of colors
A child can find
His dream there
In that moment
He can reach anything

Thursday, October 7, 2021


Indian walks
Land and is held
Upon earth
Less by gravity
Than by his
Quantum love which is 
Tangled energetically
Like roots
In a holy place.

What we see is what
We get
He says.

Where i love
You rape.

When I give
You take.

When I wake
Nature embraces me
And gives me 
The sacred fruit
Of life,
I live
At the pace of paradise.

When you wake
The dream ends
And you have made
Of the truth of life.
You race toward
A better future
With all your might.

You've bent time
Studied the light

But your men fear
To be the light

Nude in it
Fearless in the infinite
Know it is 
In every finite thing
Every moment
And detail of life

Woven by a thread
Of mind and heart
In space
Which limits the infinite
To lines
And terms we can define.

Sewing into time
That crimson river
Of love and sacrifice

That stoic gaze
Eternal peace
In the abyss

Hearing the spirits
Believing in and chasing
Rabbits for the feast

To return with a bounty
So that entire armies
Can eat.

This is warrior you
As it is warrior me

And yet we do 
What we must
So frighteningly differently.

These poles do lead
To lightning and storms:
Tempest of both
Nature and the soul;
That great symmetry
Of a balanced moment
In cosmic time
Governing like a blind
And just goddess --
Child, no doubt,
Of a greater, more perfect being
Manifest all around me
All around you.

Why is it
We perceive, as we do,
So differently?

How to Dream

Make your bed 
In the morning
Quit complaining
You're living
Get going.

Eat your breakfast
You champion

You secret king
You divine shining thing

They don't see you
Not all will

Don't you worry about
Any of that
Which leaves you

Dream, and dream
With courage.

Yes, be humble 
In your mission

But do not
Sacrifice your pride
Nor enslave yourself
To anything
Protect your
Inner child
If nothing else.

Everyone loves you
They just don't know
How to show it

Everyone is teaching you
And lesson 
Molding you
So be true to your light.

It is not all love
And justice
Nor is it just death
And misery.

It is not weakness
To feel pain
There is no shame
In doubting 
Your destiny.

So be brave
Quiet knight,
Lead even your demons
Toward the light

And when you dream
Do it with love
Do it with courage
Do it
In this life.

Lazy Days

Lazy days
I lay until amber 
Seeps through the window
Into my dream
Until slumber
Stumbles to walking
Through green.

Dirt paths
Riddled with horse shit
And cow paddies
And mushrooms
I'm not sure
I should eat.

I leave them be.

The lemon trees
Attract giant bees
Called mamangavas.
Their sting
Will send a grown man
To the hospital.

That amber light melts
Into a fine sugar
Dissolved in the
Molecular air.

I walk, I breathe deeply.
I yearn for bundles 
Of money,

The horse shit and bugs
Distract me from all that.

Beads of sweat
Burn my eyes
As I walk back
Half out of breath.

Lazy days send me
Back to sleep after walks
Like that.
Or I skip coffee 
And paint and talk to myself in other languages.

My stomach rumbles
But I'm too busy
Being lazy
Loving everything
Making moments
Into gold.