Saturday, January 4, 2014

Some Saturday, 12th Grade

Hey mom,  sorry for not calling earlier
I'll be home late, after curfew actually.
I'm drinking heavily and won't remember
leaving this message tomorrow I'm sure.
I'm about to go out with people I don't really know
to a party at a house I've never been to
and don't know the address of
and the driver has only had five or six beers
so he's fine.  We'll all be fine.
We're in the car smoking marijuana
that we bought from some dudes
who went to the city recently.
They said it was the best of Mexico
and the ecstasy is 95 percent pure
so not much risk there
but I feel hot, on my skin,
and my mind cannot be distinguished
from any other thing.  I wonder if I'm here
if I'm alive but I'm okay
it's just philosophy.
Love you forever.
Sorry for the long message.
Okay love you.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Samsara, Impermanence, and the Will of Love

Always self-identified as a Buddhist
and so believed that escaping from the cycle
of suffering that is Life was it. That was the goal.
But I've met you now and am confused
like I was before I met the Buddha.
I now think, well, if you're coming back
then I'm coming back, too.
Again and again I'll come back with you.

And I have this poem I read back in high school
getting all jumbled up with my own ending here
and it goes like,
I have many lives to live before I leave.
And I have many lives to live before I leave.

Amidst folly and war and laughter and risk
there is togetherness.
We decide if it is permanent.
And if we decide that it is,
then it is, isn't it?