Sunday, August 2, 2015

shadow sculptures and other people

Shadow sculpture is especially beautiful because when you look at the physical sculpture, you do not see the order in it, you do not see the pattern, and therefore it appears to lack that standard beauty of proportion the human eyes seems to prefer. But when you cast a light from the right angle, the proportion and harmony of the sculpture becomes visible. I like this because it seems a clever metaphor for other people: sometimes we meet people who are so different, they don't seem to make any sense at all. They appear to be a mess and we therefore do not credit them as possessing a beauty of character that our own culture, our own way, our own upbringing has taught us to recognize. However, when we look from the right angle, maybe we see it. When we shine our own light upon the mess we perceive, maybe then we see that beauty, the universal intangible shadow that inspires our adoration, our affection -- Love.