Friday, October 8, 2021

Tough Love

It'll be many moons
Before i learn
To love you.
Sometimes I'm lost;
I know it all.

As i go about
My business
i think about you;
When i dream
i do dream
Of you.

Here we are
Don't let the magic
Confound you;
Trust in love
With all your are
Nit just your heart


To give all
Of yourself
To find
And know well
What you can give

And to have the heart
When all
Either turn their back
Or hit
With all their might:

That's just life
Trying to teach you.

Love has to to be
Tougher than hate.

That's just the family
Trying to make you
Strong enough

For this path
That you're on

So take

Our love with all
You know.
Go be great
But don't forget
That it was love
That made you grow.

Life is a strange situation
When you're questioning
The ways of man;

Thoughts that lead you
To depressions,
Back into the caves
We went.

A new type to darkness
A bad surprise
To buy time

To give us all
The space and time
To reorganize

Wrong and right
Are relative worlds and words.

We're all so right
And so irrelevant, too,
So don't your cry
If no one 
Wants to hear you

There's a voice inside
And an ear that
Will always listen

It's all in you
When you can't find it
Anywhere else.

It's all in you
When you're drowning
And shouting for help
But no one comes;
It's the hardest lesson
You'll learn

From where love comes
It is given
And it must be earned.

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