Thursday, November 25, 2021

Metaphysics 500

is not insubordination.
There is no regime,
they say.
There is no invisible
ruling class,
there is no face
and there is no mask.
There are strings that are pulled
which make us dance
the farce of freedom,
a hallucination of being,
our imperfect kingdoms
haloed by the Real Thing.

By dancing we make it real,
we give it life in movement
in action,
we spill our guts
we cross the line
we break things
and fuck things
in the heat of passion
in the abyss of 
confounding contemplations
regarding the world and
purpose and self
and meaning and 
the existence of some
True North,
a guiding light
of infallible righteousness.

Yet the sharper grow our minds
the more we cut up the world
and believe ever more
in the divide,
and these chasms will swallow men whole,
many will fall
who were not taught to fly,
the leap of faith
will seem a complete and utter lie.

Why, I would set the sky
aflame as well,
I would terrorize the villain
as I perceived him
and not change my perception
for that would be to sacrifice
the heart and foundation
of what I believe in.

Ay the conundrum. 
We all live in sin,
and then we kill in the name
of our personal or collective 
version of perfection.

Ay, this twisted version
of living and loving and life.
It is the blade of the page
the claws and thorn-teeth
of creatures that prey.

Odyssey I

Have you grown tired

of human being?

Did you vomit

when forced to face it,

the world, as you saw it?

Did you agree to a lie?


Did this cause a change?

Did you mind rearrange?

Did nature take her course

through you,

through your wounds?


Did you sing

“sail me away,

do it soon”?


Did you feel

“there is just nothing

I can do”?


Was outer space

within you, too?


Why don't you and me

swim through


Why don't we

love better?

Did the whole sun burn within you?


I can't take the lead

we must go there dancing

we must go hand-in-hand


and I will drag you there

and you will carry me then

we will fall and die

so many times

before we get there

but when we do

oh, my love,

when we do

we will see!

and we will explode

into a nebulae of gold,



Somewhere distant

beyond the stars

don't you cry,

don't you worry,

we're all hungry,

we're all starved,

we're all slaves,

we'll all perish,


this is the way,

though it hurts

we still sing,


we'll find a way,

it's what we do,

those who believe

can do anything.