Friday, October 8, 2021

A Friend's Encouraging Words

Sure, man,
Life is a prism
But accept the prison
Constraints and limitations of life
We all live in 'em
For the love of livin

Every man here
Is here
Now that's beginning
Something like family
And having visions
Of acquisition
So we can flex our giving
Our search for our position
Not just our gifts within us
But for the compass
That magnetism
This life
This swirling prism
This light
Sometimes a prison
From which we seek flight
Like a bat at night
Into gamma
Into that place
Outside of light

It might be our disgrace
If i heard them right
But there's a direction
To every hibernating bear
Or bird in flight
You can spy it right there
In the details of life
The truth it's come to glare
It's so blazing bright.

I won't say
That we leave the maze
Energy plays
And blossoms in ways
That no sage could say
We trough our dreams
Upon a page
Upon a caveman's cave
Through the tincture
Of the flowers
Dirt and stones of the day.

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