Monday, April 20, 2009

California Zen

Depression is the dumps. Some people suffer because they think that they are the butterfly who's going to cause the hurricane that kills thousands. Either that, or they want to be the second coming. Neither delusion is healthy. You can't confirm the former or live up to the latter. For some reason, realizing this is news each and every time life offers the revelation. And each time, it's depressing news.

There is something absurd, almost hilarious, about depression. It's a vanity of some strange sort, wanting to be the butterfly or the savior.

So, today I say be like the lion. Hunt whatever you need to survive and spend the rest of your day hanging out in the shade with people who don't mind if you don't say a word at all.

There is an art, maybe even a struggle, to doing nothing more than blinking to keep your eyes wet. Don't forget simplicity.

Be happy just being.