Thursday, October 7, 2021

How to Dream

Make your bed 
In the morning
Quit complaining
You're living
Get going.

Eat your breakfast
You champion

You secret king
You divine shining thing

They don't see you
Not all will

Don't you worry about
Any of that
Which leaves you

Dream, and dream
With courage.

Yes, be humble 
In your mission

But do not
Sacrifice your pride
Nor enslave yourself
To anything
Protect your
Inner child
If nothing else.

Everyone loves you
They just don't know
How to show it

Everyone is teaching you
And lesson 
Molding you
So be true to your light.

It is not all love
And justice
Nor is it just death
And misery.

It is not weakness
To feel pain
There is no shame
In doubting 
Your destiny.

So be brave
Quiet knight,
Lead even your demons
Toward the light

And when you dream
Do it with love
Do it with courage
Do it
In this life.

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