Friday, November 5, 2021


She decides to never iron
looking very serious
in the doorway.
You have never ironed
since I've known you
I thought to myself
and then out loud she moaned,
I turn again to the canvass
and she carried on
saying we'll go out in public
with our underpants
all in creases

And we both laughed
in a way 
I will never forget.

"Woman asleep"

My queen sleeps naked
with too many sheets, she
cannot breathe 
without me,

We dream together,
and then we sleep;
love is the secret
that we keep,

look here, we weave
into the breeze,
a single lifeline when we sleep
and hold each other
through the calm
and most confounding of times
something sacred
pushes our dreams further on
and the light of you
glows upon me
and mine upon yours
we are the dream
where love is indeed
an eternal thing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Migration Reasons

These fair-weather feathers

blew south for a spell,

this was before the

morning chimes sang through us

sending kings to the floor

and fools to the post,

I could smell those days a´coming,

like fire in the wind

upstream, blowing back at us

as we fished and lived in bliss.

Tides rise and fall, I suppose

and we shan't be scared,

but we do scare,

we run home from the crook,

wet shoed and broken twigs


the hot breath of safety

in which we lay low for a moment

gust away in an atomic wind

the worst of outcomes

for we'd have starved to the end

if that is what He'd asked of us.

Man, take away your bellicose tin,

your toys of cataclysm,

potent bombs like balls hanging

before a greedy, hungry slut.

Ah, the forrest and the creatures

through which God sees.

To take them is to gouge out an eye,

to dismember the bread

to undo the risen flesh

upon which we omnivors feed,

to do so is the cast away belief

like a ghost mistakenly made sacred

after millenia of men,

and now who are we

say the ancients who never slept,

who are we to claim to know,

to be beyond belief?

Ay, how men self deceive

and in such deception render

every solider of love weeping,

the day of an impossible surrender

has come to pass,

they cry, they gasp,

the clasp at their own finger tips,

the gnaw out their own hearts,

they bleed for you and me,

and we will all die

and you may come back.

So while here, learn love from

hard to tender, from solid to mist,

from slave to savior, from addict

to prophet, from pulpits and upon graves

songs sang and words writ,

but none like that which

silence tells us all,

speaking in riddles and confounding dreams,

tangled into life like all the things nobody sees.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Love Story

The yellows slip out from my head

onto things

and I think its strange

and I tell my doctor

and he gives me medicine

and I'm still not better.

I see things that they don't say

I hear things that

they don't show.

I feel my shadow, more than most,

I feel like some sort of creature

upon a host.

I want to be good

and do my best.

I don't want other people to hate me

but then again

I want to be friends,

so I stay to myself,

I talk to the Earth,

throw my coins

in her well.

I'm just a boy

whose passed through

a bunch of time

but nothings really changed, of mine.

I'm still going to take it

smell it, taste it, and wonder

what it is all about.

I'm still going to speak

to things like your thoughts

and thunder,

I'm going to dive off

where your fears won't wander

I'm going to cycle through

the whole damn thing

and tumble down

like everything

that ever was,

No, I haven't

had enough.

Give me your love,

long and slow,

you impossible, buoyant thing.

I slip when you touch me

and then time rolls back again

from that moaning ocean

to my strong emotions,

to the celestial bars in motion

spinning our love

into the timing

and fine lines between things.

My love has once punctured

the moon,

those dark marks of hers

are where many before

have shot at her.

Not all hit their mark

and supposedly they are

those who fall in the stars

but the moon

is much closer

like you

your gravitational groove

your magic

I'll sip your brew

we'll be two

in one.