Friday, November 20, 2015

Two Great Lies

One great lie
shall replace
another great lie.

The angels will fall
from the heavens
overwhelm some poor
open minded human
who was looking for the answer
today's world simply
does not offer.

Those angels
will say,
the old lie was not
a lie.

The scientists will tease
facts from observations
and seduce our minds
with empiricism.

But their demonstration
is, too, a secret of which
none will speak --

doing so would drive you insane
and take away your sleep for a night
or two, twist your reality.

One great lie
will replace another
and all the liars
will fight for their truth.

Liars will die,
liars will survive,
and one great lie
will tickle Darwin
breaking the rules
of both houses.

The future will forget
and those who do not forget
will have to laugh
at how silly our ancient,
lesser evolved civilization was.