Friday, October 8, 2021

You Blessed Nothing

Hold onto this string here.

There you go,
Watch out
For that right there
But the past, too,
Is s screaming car.
That angry driver is you
One day
Acting like an asshole
As we All do.

It's inevitable.

Here are some tips:
Listen to music 
And don't just hear it.

Study language while you're at it
And come up with theories
If you're going to go crazy.

If you like going crazy
For some reason.

Mathematics or Jesus
can center you.

Even the heavy metals
Of the netherworld 
Do not compare 
To the atomic bomb,
They say.

I dunno if i agree.
Mind shattering fury:
If they don't breed the very devil
They breed something
That dies for a while
Wilted as if exhaling life
With all its strength
Ever so slowly
And determined.

So the mathematics 
Will help you count
While your down
Taking a breather
Wondering if it's all worth it,
"What the hell, man? I thought we were cool de la?"

But yeah, it's a wilderness out there.
Don't let the right angles
Confuse you 
Don't let the perfect teeth
And shiny tech 
Eat you up as Chew your mind
You're a god damn monkey
With some vague notion of why life is
And is about,
And you'd probably not die for it.

Why should anyone have to 
if they come in peace and mean no harm?

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