Friday, October 22, 2021

Abandoning the Tao to Speak

I'll go ahead and try
but I told you before
that to say anything
to try in any way
is to deviate,
to fail.

To be, my love,
to be in love,
and completely be that.

I've looked at Nature
and seen you in her,
Her in you;
and art and music
even in time,
moments in which I dive
into you.

"I am you"?
I wouldn't say all that,
but I can pass through,
there is a road
we both knew
and we took it
and here we are
you are the air
the trees the stars
the path
the laughs
the companion
the object,
if I may confess my sin here,
the object
of my love
of all my real and imagined affections.

How I love you has no gaze
no particular look which,
in and of itself can say a word
or even dare turn the page.

There we are in the book
the babbling Ganjis making silt
of even those of faith,
the Chrenobyl of the totem
cold scroll, ocean black with gold,
the future upon the podium.

A slip into the blacknesss,
like a duck, my sympathies to the fish,
and to man,
my love must rise above these

And so I sit beside the window, open, 
write with the time of my sacred and short life,
that one might hear, I have abandoned that 
and no longer try,

That is when you and l lay
and I say nothing
and you say nothing
but the sun is burning there
keeping our bodies warm a millions times
in each cell, in each moment,
and we drown into sleep
a watery joy from which we leap
and slip around in the tides
of the winds and 

I love you,
and you take me there,
round and about,
deep to the sweat of the Earth
where the seas still squalk
with gulls
and the honesty
of a heart thrown there.

No More (Canticle from the Fields) Song Notes

Blues song idea:

Things got strange, yeah
That compass
Flipped on us all

Well i aint saying that
we were fools
'less we insist
We weren't wrong

Regarding change, well
It takes a fam
No single man
Is that strong

Deaf to our prayers
Feeling alone
Fearing that we
Are destroying our home

Well i can't take it
Not no more

I can just let you
Carry on doing wrong

Extra lyrics:
The crown
Has been stolen
The aftermath yet to come
Yeah we can change it
But it'll take everyone

The king sits there, naked
But he's not in a throne
He's within you waiting
Saying the future
Is yours

But you can't take it
You're dust to the bone
You barely made it
Through the day
Faith near broke.

The cattle on pavement
For the forests we burn
We laugh and get paid
A blind eye
Makes us one.

Well, i can't take it
Not no more.

a moment

An ominous cascade of notes
Transgressing his abominable rage
Gods furry barely touching the leaves yet, the chariots of lightning neighing like celestial monsters in that nearly black gray. The birds sang into the rain, a poetic moments towards which no one's attention was paid, and to the hawk upon high, on his way home, his heart felt a fire, and it was the burn of pain, which nearly broke his wing, sent him to be quils for awful poets preaching as if there was s coming if a new age effervescing from their very words. The rain never came, the turkey cackles, the chainsaw was perfectly tireless in it's task but there, the higher pitches chirped as that woodfall silently chipped, as the bricklayer worked l, too, silently un that barely visible distance. Across the field if coes honey white black brown horses too, that fight and run thumping neighing upon the wet fecund moaning world which they hear in the birdsong, in the things they have no mind to break up into parts and dilute the truth of. The have no fingers and need no quils, no history, no self control or machinery to live and know the way.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


My love in lines
Be they rhymes
In time
My inevitable dance
Your hearts sing

Though not
In unison,
Not cacophonous,
But like
Sitting on the farm
Or even the subway
Of the city

There are musics 
In both places
Each place a song
Of space
Not moods,
Of thoughts,
But not from you
But for you.

Your walk 
Chats with your
You run,
I feel you as
Something lost;
You stay
And your warmth
I need to touch;
You love
No matter where you are
But how I love you:
The substance 
The manifestation
Of my pair
My complete,
From carnal
To cosmic love.


The light thread
Does not unwind
In the wind
Rocking the bush
It's tensile strength
Completely and utterly

Just s spider web, though.
Just a bush.

Just a window
To the same view

Some see no miracles
Between here
And the distant line
Nor our very own hearts
Nor the whole
Beautiful unit
Of universe heart
And mind
Raveling in ravishing lights
Smashed to shades
And sound smashed to tone and perceptible
Intervaled time.

There we both are
Yet i fear you have not marveled yet or
Or worse

I fear you will 
Fly light-speed
Through galaxies 
Before you 
Dive into your own
That terrific 
Black hole
That magnetic fearful corner
Of your inner cosmos.

But I, too, did not go
To any other corner
That i did not date know.
Our fears, perhaps inevitably,
We must necessarily know
But be as prepared
As for a severely windy road.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Farm

Bathing in birdsong
Bubbling with
Cow moos,
Crackling with crooning
Roosters, out of sight;
One bird repeats the same melody
Flapping wings sound
Like what they are:

At night the bullfrogs
Say "oh, oh, oh"
Like stereotypical
Italians who don't understand
Why what happened, happened.

The maritacas garble
Their squaks and
Crack the tones
Of their squeaks
As they fly in couples
Symbols of love.

I wouldn't quite imagine
It all as conversation
Though i do presume
Things are being said.
That some logic
Understandable to me
Or not
Weaves within
All that expression
Even if it be
Nothing more
Than avian love song
Mammalian tenderness
Cooing life
Dreaming ever more deeply
Upon the breathing bossom
Of the Earth.
