Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I will not fear

I will not fear.
Fear, I will you no more.
I carry you in no part of me,
you live with Santa Claus
or Vampires and the Wicked Witch
as far as I am concerned.
So, goodbye.

I will not fear
the knock at the door
of my heart asking me
to give,
asking me if I have ever witnessed
Jahova on Earth.
I will not say no and close that door
when the dirty guy with missing teeth
and hands rough as paws comes
and asks for some food
or money.  I ask his name
and see that gloss over his eyes
is a window pane.

I will not fear the charity in my heart
nor the consequences of being charitable.

I will not fear your fear
nor leave you alone with your fear

I will not fear my affection for you
nor your need, or desperation, or imperfection.

And I will not fear my own imperfections.

I will not fear, anymore,
losing it all and having nothing
for I will have given it all,
and go as I came.