Thursday, October 7, 2021


Indian walks
Land and is held
Upon earth
Less by gravity
Than by his
Quantum love which is 
Tangled energetically
Like roots
In a holy place.

What we see is what
We get
He says.

Where i love
You rape.

When I give
You take.

When I wake
Nature embraces me
And gives me 
The sacred fruit
Of life,
I live
At the pace of paradise.

When you wake
The dream ends
And you have made
Of the truth of life.
You race toward
A better future
With all your might.

You've bent time
Studied the light

But your men fear
To be the light

Nude in it
Fearless in the infinite
Know it is 
In every finite thing
Every moment
And detail of life

Woven by a thread
Of mind and heart
In space
Which limits the infinite
To lines
And terms we can define.

Sewing into time
That crimson river
Of love and sacrifice

That stoic gaze
Eternal peace
In the abyss

Hearing the spirits
Believing in and chasing
Rabbits for the feast

To return with a bounty
So that entire armies
Can eat.

This is warrior you
As it is warrior me

And yet we do 
What we must
So frighteningly differently.

These poles do lead
To lightning and storms:
Tempest of both
Nature and the soul;
That great symmetry
Of a balanced moment
In cosmic time
Governing like a blind
And just goddess --
Child, no doubt,
Of a greater, more perfect being
Manifest all around me
All around you.

Why is it
We perceive, as we do,
So differently?

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