Friday, November 21, 2014

Where Words Come From

Whatever language we may speak
it is from whence our words come
that maketh all the difference.

Whatever language we may speak
we must make sure we can protect ourselves --
the world is riddled with unkind blemishes
and confusion so hotly disturbed the mirage
of Evil ascends before our veiled Consciousness.

Your Ego may be your most articulate
psycho-spiritual organ, then.

The question posed herein is
have we trained our heart to speak as clearly?
Religious texts try to give us the language we need
to speak from this sacred land called Heart
but the language is, regrettably, outdated;
the message so necessary for us lost,
seemingly.  Indeed, the first scroll was escavated
from the Heart, itself --

even if the angels did descend
to deliver the message
they were faithful and accepting eyes
that saw those angels and awakened, hopeful hearts
that did not run from such uncommon phenomena.

I digress now, as I often do: 
Possessing the same letters as Earth
only with the "H" at the front rather than the end,
we might wonder where, in fact, we live
and what, in fact, sustains us
and if Earth and Heart are not the very same
in some literal or at least figurative vision of Life.
Perhaps the Earth speaketh through the Heart?

Argue against it.

Have the subjects and nuances of the Heart
proven too challenging to express?
Love is the Highest Order Thinking
and to see where it is needed and give it
through the defense mechanism behind which
we prefer to store it is painful learning
like giving birth to a whole new you.

But nothing as painful as destroying the Earth.

The fact is, our prejudices, our stereotypes,
those quips we slap so quickly onto the table
of conversation, those reactions that aren't our own
(that's different, yuck; where we come from we don't
do it that way; that's ridiculous, that's wrong).

We don't think that.  We don't think that because
before we said that, we did not think.
We applied neither Mind nor Heart in the matter

we did not reach for the Dream of Togetherness
we reached for the Soma of our Destruction,
that intoxicant spirit that stumbles our logic
down avenues of Falseness, singing,
  "this is silly", "I don't have the time",
"it is impossible", "you aren't worth it" -- all the lines
that draw us lazier than the shadows of our Higher Selves
such that we Will Not imitate what we know
in our Hearts, to be Right.

What we did and tend to do is purchase a cheap 
and automatic response that society has 
for some reason
deemed acceptable.
The Dream of Togetherness and Peace
simply isn't Profitable in certain circumstances.

And it wasn't You, it was "Them"
who want to promote the idea of
"You and Them"; who want to divide.

Adding irony to confusion,
"They" don't even exist.
Fear does.  Fear crops up
in the fertile unknown
between you and I like a weed
and pushes us apart with its roots
whilst sucking up the nutrients
of our common ground.

Whatever language you speak,
know from whence cometh thine words:
From thy Heart, from thy Ego
from thy ... ?
Not that one orgin is wrong or right
but there is a time and place for each --
indeed, often times a concert or choir
of internal voices is necessary to speak
a complete and true sincerity --
the point is, all of your intra-nations
should be equally educated
literate, and articulate.

If that is impossible.  We are just
too busy.  Okay.  The Heart, then,
should take priority for from there
all tributaries are eventually reached
and muscles awoken, 
all foreign and unknown brain cells
and connections illuminated
by the charity of our aligned rhythm
and we will find ourselves in all eyes
moods, states and faces.

And we will be fearless, again.

This is the beginning of Awakened Peace.

Until then, we will feel incomplete
and continue to purchase the cheap
and automatic responses of Ignorance
and Fear because, as it could be advertised,
it is so easy
we could do it in our sleep.