Monday, November 29, 2021


The Trees came to me with the knowledge

And straightened my back,

Made ropes of my muscles,

Twisted from cipó, hemp,

Woven bamboo,

The threads of webs in my sinews.

When the strong wind blows

Cower not indoors or low ground

But up on high,

Spread your branches,

They told me,

You are the leaf

The roots

The bark

The solid fiber spine,

Where psychic serpents,

Simians, and birds of all eras

Of all time,

Still call home.


You are the forest,

My child,

The world is your home.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Metaphysics 500

is not insubordination.
There is no regime,
they say.
There is no invisible
ruling class,
there is no face
and there is no mask.
There are strings that are pulled
which make us dance
the farce of freedom,
a hallucination of being,
our imperfect kingdoms
haloed by the Real Thing.

By dancing we make it real,
we give it life in movement
in action,
we spill our guts
we cross the line
we break things
and fuck things
in the heat of passion
in the abyss of 
confounding contemplations
regarding the world and
purpose and self
and meaning and 
the existence of some
True North,
a guiding light
of infallible righteousness.

Yet the sharper grow our minds
the more we cut up the world
and believe ever more
in the divide,
and these chasms will swallow men whole,
many will fall
who were not taught to fly,
the leap of faith
will seem a complete and utter lie.

Why, I would set the sky
aflame as well,
I would terrorize the villain
as I perceived him
and not change my perception
for that would be to sacrifice
the heart and foundation
of what I believe in.

Ay the conundrum. 
We all live in sin,
and then we kill in the name
of our personal or collective 
version of perfection.

Ay, this twisted version
of living and loving and life.
It is the blade of the page
the claws and thorn-teeth
of creatures that prey.

Odyssey I

Have you grown tired

of human being?

Did you vomit

when forced to face it,

the world, as you saw it?

Did you agree to a lie?


Did this cause a change?

Did you mind rearrange?

Did nature take her course

through you,

through your wounds?


Did you sing

“sail me away,

do it soon”?


Did you feel

“there is just nothing

I can do”?


Was outer space

within you, too?


Why don't you and me

swim through


Why don't we

love better?

Did the whole sun burn within you?


I can't take the lead

we must go there dancing

we must go hand-in-hand


and I will drag you there

and you will carry me then

we will fall and die

so many times

before we get there

but when we do

oh, my love,

when we do

we will see!

and we will explode

into a nebulae of gold,



Somewhere distant

beyond the stars

don't you cry,

don't you worry,

we're all hungry,

we're all starved,

we're all slaves,

we'll all perish,


this is the way,

though it hurts

we still sing,


we'll find a way,

it's what we do,

those who believe

can do anything.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Mania the Seed

Episodic grandeur

the “I” can not only perceive

but withstand and

thus claim testimony

to truths we would rather not believe.

Indeed, a mania it might be;

at the beginning, indeed.

Without a master to show one

how to turn mania into

something one can use to peek into

the self, the places others

would rather not look,

then mania is less than a stone,

impossibly a seed.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

When the Dust Settles

"The Revolutionary
Man your kingdom;
a wicked wind is coming
the screens of dust will blind
with hidden ominous howls
and the whistles of your destruction,
until it all sneaks up on all of us.
So, ladies, gentlemen,
man your kingdoms,
if you have a flag,
raise it high,
pierce thy clouds of pain
let that rain fill your fruit
and let your laughter be
as angels to awaken one
from any dream
bless us know,
take my men and make them strong,
give unto their minds
all the wisdom buried in their hearts
and let us see better
when the dust settles.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Of Those Who Dance in the Rain

She told me baby

          take it slow

          so I took off my socks

put down my beer

and went    

                    naked outside

because I had been saying 

that Nature is alive and real

and calling us to save her, man!

             but I got too excited about it.

 I danced in that warm tropical rain.

My mother had secretly warned her

about what she called my manias

but which both my wife and I

considered to be more like

spiritual experiences and

sometimes divinations.  That

is a chasm that reaches deep into history

and continues to fracture

modern western society.

These very digressions in logic

were signs of clinical crazy.


I danced in the rain and

It was as if her veins were made of

rusted roads,

          there was dust

that blew through

         there was mud

without shoes

and when you're literally

                dancing         in the rain you're shivering

    at the beginning of it

and then you adjust

and take a deep breath

and, Christ, that feeling is

                           more than just the body

it's like           you are the chill that goes

                  all   the   way            into that dark

and the air is like something thick

and invisible

palpably pregnant with, quite literally,

all possibilities.

And we can by seeing them

and moving them

make them real.

And so I danced in the rain.

Sometimes it all shifts and feels as if

                  it is organic in ways

that are metric, tantric, serpentine scales

unfolding always, everywhere like fast flowers,

mathematically abstractable molecules

of logical modules of the mind, man.


                  And that is the rain at night, in the summer,

when it is warm it is better,

in my opinion, for dancing in the rain,

but the weather always seems

to have              a feeling of it's own

if you go

into the yard and forget where you are

and remember you're never not here

            you might hear that rain


you might

                  hear a bird within

and the two might dance

like a breeze pushing forth

           the more vague components

                               of the moment

and then violá:

you have          gone and       come back again

you have        been all and         there you are,

dancing, like a fool or a shaman,

who is to say, 

dancing like either one

in the rain.

And if if you didn't see it, one can imagine,

and just by still-imagining,

imagining without action,

one feels as if one travels,

so just imagine when

dancing in the rain

and the whole beautiful myth

being real for a spell.

If that is not freedom,

innocent, harmless freedom,

then I don't know what is.


when the rain melts and bleeds

and sings and signals

the lines of shifts in the winds

of time for minute

the cat is in the box

and in the next

we are the ones

scratching at the walls

we ourselves built.



New days are only

a glance away

from your head position.

Turn both ears

toward your chest

and listen.

Take your wallet

our of your pocket

when you sit

and when your hips

are straight

pay all of your attention.


There will be an attraction

to a form where your spine

is aligned and feeling ideal

not provoked like some serpent

but prepared for life's ordeals

and prepared to build,

from what sometimes seems nothing at all,

a life worth living

worth avoiding the dangers

and pitfalls.


One wonders because he

recognizes the truth, so

one wonders how far

does he, in fact, wander

from the truth

and thus

his wondering is

for forgiveness.


And this is when

the face of Jesus shapes

in the clouds on

one's way running to stay healthy

alone in a street

so perfect the moment

for the Lord to sneak me

a peak of his boutique of

unique possibilities

for those who believe

Caveman (song idea)

I don't want to shake the

fragile ground you walk on

but I'm in the clouds right now


You make me think of old days

when what you said

didn't make me lonely,


I know times change,

we grow and we try,

lord knows we try to stay the same


the flame alive,

fire in our lair,

I'm a caveman,

though I haven't been lately

go lay your body

and I'll meet you there

Friday, November 5, 2021


She decides to never iron
looking very serious
in the doorway.
You have never ironed
since I've known you
I thought to myself
and then out loud she moaned,
I turn again to the canvass
and she carried on
saying we'll go out in public
with our underpants
all in creases

And we both laughed
in a way 
I will never forget.

"Woman asleep"

My queen sleeps naked
with too many sheets, she
cannot breathe 
without me,

We dream together,
and then we sleep;
love is the secret
that we keep,

look here, we weave
into the breeze,
a single lifeline when we sleep
and hold each other
through the calm
and most confounding of times
something sacred
pushes our dreams further on
and the light of you
glows upon me
and mine upon yours
we are the dream
where love is indeed
an eternal thing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Migration Reasons

These fair-weather feathers

blew south for a spell,

this was before the

morning chimes sang through us

sending kings to the floor

and fools to the post,

I could smell those days a´coming,

like fire in the wind

upstream, blowing back at us

as we fished and lived in bliss.

Tides rise and fall, I suppose

and we shan't be scared,

but we do scare,

we run home from the crook,

wet shoed and broken twigs


the hot breath of safety

in which we lay low for a moment

gust away in an atomic wind

the worst of outcomes

for we'd have starved to the end

if that is what He'd asked of us.

Man, take away your bellicose tin,

your toys of cataclysm,

potent bombs like balls hanging

before a greedy, hungry slut.

Ah, the forrest and the creatures

through which God sees.

To take them is to gouge out an eye,

to dismember the bread

to undo the risen flesh

upon which we omnivors feed,

to do so is the cast away belief

like a ghost mistakenly made sacred

after millenia of men,

and now who are we

say the ancients who never slept,

who are we to claim to know,

to be beyond belief?

Ay, how men self deceive

and in such deception render

every solider of love weeping,

the day of an impossible surrender

has come to pass,

they cry, they gasp,

the clasp at their own finger tips,

the gnaw out their own hearts,

they bleed for you and me,

and we will all die

and you may come back.

So while here, learn love from

hard to tender, from solid to mist,

from slave to savior, from addict

to prophet, from pulpits and upon graves

songs sang and words writ,

but none like that which

silence tells us all,

speaking in riddles and confounding dreams,

tangled into life like all the things nobody sees.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Love Story

The yellows slip out from my head

onto things

and I think its strange

and I tell my doctor

and he gives me medicine

and I'm still not better.

I see things that they don't say

I hear things that

they don't show.

I feel my shadow, more than most,

I feel like some sort of creature

upon a host.

I want to be good

and do my best.

I don't want other people to hate me

but then again

I want to be friends,

so I stay to myself,

I talk to the Earth,

throw my coins

in her well.

I'm just a boy

whose passed through

a bunch of time

but nothings really changed, of mine.

I'm still going to take it

smell it, taste it, and wonder

what it is all about.

I'm still going to speak

to things like your thoughts

and thunder,

I'm going to dive off

where your fears won't wander

I'm going to cycle through

the whole damn thing

and tumble down

like everything

that ever was,

No, I haven't

had enough.

Give me your love,

long and slow,

you impossible, buoyant thing.

I slip when you touch me

and then time rolls back again

from that moaning ocean

to my strong emotions,

to the celestial bars in motion

spinning our love

into the timing

and fine lines between things.

My love has once punctured

the moon,

those dark marks of hers

are where many before

have shot at her.

Not all hit their mark

and supposedly they are

those who fall in the stars

but the moon

is much closer

like you

your gravitational groove

your magic

I'll sip your brew

we'll be two

in one.

Friday, October 29, 2021


While denying what is divine

and what

the sacred says

curious minds do

go to rest

lay and dream

and if they wake

they do not know

there difference

until what seems

becomes a bright light

and living becomes a dream.

Only then,

said a sage

on the internet, back in the day,

does your soul

have the lightness of being

required for the


There is no way out, though,

Camus prays still,

in his eternal afterlife

for the dharma to birth him

into that zen darkness

that fundamental taboo

which his heart

saw the waning nirvana

and queens in the maria

spreading the clouds

with their song of lament.

Finally embracing the magnificence

he saw not the light

but all that is light

existing in its way.

As red blue green and so forth

come from which

so, too, does everything living

or otherwise

soon come to live, as it were,

once its buoyance is felt

and the melody jiggles

the floor from your feet

and it feels

you are walking on air.

"Woman in Doorway"

Age like sunshine
rest your weight here

lay your darkness
on the ground,

let the light
press it there, down.

Rise up again
like a qi flowing

from the ground
like a flower

up into a lotus mind
blazing an eternal light

my love,
rest with me here

tell me stories
and I'll tell you mine.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Don't worry if your steps are

2, 5, 7, 3, 1, 9 and not in line.

What keeps the sea breathing

as it does is the moon,

but she does not describe

every wave.

In a cove

of a buddhist relic

in Laos

or a maze of

underground schoolteachers

watching kids predict

the future like fractals

without math,

the moonlight behaves

in mathematical paths

and the waters always reach

as far as they can.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

FAKE MEDITATION? (take one):

What I will tell cannot be imagined, it is not fiction, but it is put into words, and words, themselves, are a fiction, an agreement of sorts.  Because when one writes words, one expects that the reader understand the meaning of those words.  For without that, one cannot understand the bigger picture the writer endeavors to display.  And the writer, if he is writing, is better off saying nothing at all.  “Time, itself, they say, will tell, and the light will reach the eyes of every man, before he falls, and love will take you back here again if you have not known it, and this is fact, and this is the life that you have.”  A writer truly at the act, not the business of, but the act, in time immemorial, of recording and testifying to worlds ignored...all of this requires a fundamental belief that the world being perceived is one that is worth the path one must walk to put it to words.

Frankly, we live in a world where many wordsmiths manage their way into positions where they can put their mastery on display, and this is great and grand and freedom, by some definition.  It is also an outrageous spray upon the canvass of time, by more individuals than ever, testifying, in their attempts to make it big by identifying with the personal worlds of others through their art, that ought be chronicled, organized, and compilated for what it is, which is a collection of testimonies regarding the struggle of the identity to release itself, and all of the shared imaginations involved in that process.  Indeed, when we reach to language, and at the same time to, in fact, communicate, we borrow from the heaviest words, the most known ones, those that have the weight of meaning and can thus pass a the messenger desires and believes, perhaps even with all his heart.  But his own conviction betrays him, as I betray my own now by writing these very words.  For, in truth, in the absolute truth where feathers and stones fall at the same rate, hit the ground at the same time, there truly is no need to say anything or to even inflict a quote unquote “free” act upon the world or the universe.  The only act I should endeavor to know and carry out with my life is that of surrendering my so-called powers, if I ever should, indeed, acquire them, and give them to the greatest power there is.  For to do so is to endow my acts with the momentum and power of those which are always acting, regardless of what man does.  And this is not a perfection, but simply a different pursuit. It is a different landscape.  Man as I, I daresay, do not wish to conquer the material or the ideas or any of that.  We wish to be here now in the fullest most complete way.  And this requires slaughtering so much of what you know, and even more so, that by which you define yourself.  That great nobility, that saintly shame, whatever it may be, is nothing, absolute vanity, if nothing else.  It is the cloak of the narrative in which you envelop and involve yourself in this world.  But you do not see the world as Paradise.  You do not see and experiences the world as you, extended, expanded, and at the same time minimized to nothing.  Not because you are a fool, but in part because education does not promote this manner of thinking.  It may be that education does not conscientiously guide the evolution of thought and understanding as much as it does the evolution of content and retelling.  But I digress.  The great woe of the artist and the great man is that it seems you cannot be who you want to be.  Society is constantly urging you to be someone else, to be someone that fits in a little better.  And if you are righteous and proud, you will say fuck all that, I am me and I will tear this bitch down if I have to, etc.  And you might act that out for a while, but ultimately you will need to look forward and see if this path leads to anywhere at all.  And here you decide if you want to, indeed and fact martyr yourself for some cause with which your identity is so attached, you actually think it is worth the loss of your life.  This can be great, and this can be utterly foolish.

Who is to say what it is.  Certainly not I.  For I cannot see the whole narrative of life, I cannot predict the unfolding of events, even if I presume them to be guided by a hand or force or being or anything, for that matter. I can only know that I am here and I instinctually want to continue to be here.  And so my world should be a place where I would want to continue to be, no matter who I was on Earth.  If I were not me, I should still want to be, want to exist, want to know God, for our privileges permit.

Monday, October 25, 2021


I'm fucking Mike Tyson
when it comes to gnats:
I fucking hate'em, 
wanna kill'em all,
eat their children,
and so forth.

Quite disagreeable, indeed,
and I tell Jesus

"ayo Jesus, forgive me,
nah mean?"

Sometimes I call him
"hey-soos" and imagine him
to be ethnic brown
and bearded,
like God.

"Fuck that", my homies tell me,
"get that quid"
they call it in England,
but it's also called "paper"
"cash" and clear-as-a-bell

"Mafaquer", my mother says,
"get with the program
and materialize your big business, then"

and I'm like,
"damn world has no compassion
for dudes like me,
but I'ma show them."

And I imagine all that
walking down the street about to do something
and this dude walks by
wearing a shirt saying "gansta"
and he's the messenger from God,
that stupid billboard mafaquer.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Abandoning the Tao to Speak

I'll go ahead and try
but I told you before
that to say anything
to try in any way
is to deviate,
to fail.

To be, my love,
to be in love,
and completely be that.

I've looked at Nature
and seen you in her,
Her in you;
and art and music
even in time,
moments in which I dive
into you.

"I am you"?
I wouldn't say all that,
but I can pass through,
there is a road
we both knew
and we took it
and here we are
you are the air
the trees the stars
the path
the laughs
the companion
the object,
if I may confess my sin here,
the object
of my love
of all my real and imagined affections.

How I love you has no gaze
no particular look which,
in and of itself can say a word
or even dare turn the page.

There we are in the book
the babbling Ganjis making silt
of even those of faith,
the Chrenobyl of the totem
cold scroll, ocean black with gold,
the future upon the podium.

A slip into the blacknesss,
like a duck, my sympathies to the fish,
and to man,
my love must rise above these

And so I sit beside the window, open, 
write with the time of my sacred and short life,
that one might hear, I have abandoned that 
and no longer try,

That is when you and l lay
and I say nothing
and you say nothing
but the sun is burning there
keeping our bodies warm a millions times
in each cell, in each moment,
and we drown into sleep
a watery joy from which we leap
and slip around in the tides
of the winds and 

I love you,
and you take me there,
round and about,
deep to the sweat of the Earth
where the seas still squalk
with gulls
and the honesty
of a heart thrown there.

No More (Canticle from the Fields) Song Notes

Blues song idea:

Things got strange, yeah
That compass
Flipped on us all

Well i aint saying that
we were fools
'less we insist
We weren't wrong

Regarding change, well
It takes a fam
No single man
Is that strong

Deaf to our prayers
Feeling alone
Fearing that we
Are destroying our home

Well i can't take it
Not no more

I can just let you
Carry on doing wrong

Extra lyrics:
The crown
Has been stolen
The aftermath yet to come
Yeah we can change it
But it'll take everyone

The king sits there, naked
But he's not in a throne
He's within you waiting
Saying the future
Is yours

But you can't take it
You're dust to the bone
You barely made it
Through the day
Faith near broke.

The cattle on pavement
For the forests we burn
We laugh and get paid
A blind eye
Makes us one.

Well, i can't take it
Not no more.

a moment

An ominous cascade of notes
Transgressing his abominable rage
Gods furry barely touching the leaves yet, the chariots of lightning neighing like celestial monsters in that nearly black gray. The birds sang into the rain, a poetic moments towards which no one's attention was paid, and to the hawk upon high, on his way home, his heart felt a fire, and it was the burn of pain, which nearly broke his wing, sent him to be quils for awful poets preaching as if there was s coming if a new age effervescing from their very words. The rain never came, the turkey cackles, the chainsaw was perfectly tireless in it's task but there, the higher pitches chirped as that woodfall silently chipped, as the bricklayer worked l, too, silently un that barely visible distance. Across the field if coes honey white black brown horses too, that fight and run thumping neighing upon the wet fecund moaning world which they hear in the birdsong, in the things they have no mind to break up into parts and dilute the truth of. The have no fingers and need no quils, no history, no self control or machinery to live and know the way.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


My love in lines
Be they rhymes
In time
My inevitable dance
Your hearts sing

Though not
In unison,
Not cacophonous,
But like
Sitting on the farm
Or even the subway
Of the city

There are musics 
In both places
Each place a song
Of space
Not moods,
Of thoughts,
But not from you
But for you.

Your walk 
Chats with your
You run,
I feel you as
Something lost;
You stay
And your warmth
I need to touch;
You love
No matter where you are
But how I love you:
The substance 
The manifestation
Of my pair
My complete,
From carnal
To cosmic love.


The light thread
Does not unwind
In the wind
Rocking the bush
It's tensile strength
Completely and utterly

Just s spider web, though.
Just a bush.

Just a window
To the same view

Some see no miracles
Between here
And the distant line
Nor our very own hearts
Nor the whole
Beautiful unit
Of universe heart
And mind
Raveling in ravishing lights
Smashed to shades
And sound smashed to tone and perceptible
Intervaled time.

There we both are
Yet i fear you have not marveled yet or
Or worse

I fear you will 
Fly light-speed
Through galaxies 
Before you 
Dive into your own
That terrific 
Black hole
That magnetic fearful corner
Of your inner cosmos.

But I, too, did not go
To any other corner
That i did not date know.
Our fears, perhaps inevitably,
We must necessarily know
But be as prepared
As for a severely windy road.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Farm

Bathing in birdsong
Bubbling with
Cow moos,
Crackling with crooning
Roosters, out of sight;
One bird repeats the same melody
Flapping wings sound
Like what they are:

At night the bullfrogs
Say "oh, oh, oh"
Like stereotypical
Italians who don't understand
Why what happened, happened.

The maritacas garble
Their squaks and
Crack the tones
Of their squeaks
As they fly in couples
Symbols of love.

I wouldn't quite imagine
It all as conversation
Though i do presume
Things are being said.
That some logic
Understandable to me
Or not
Weaves within
All that expression
Even if it be
Nothing more
Than avian love song
Mammalian tenderness
Cooing life
Dreaming ever more deeply
Upon the breathing bossom
Of the Earth.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Message to the Serious Young Artist

First, you'll be tested

to a point where it will

be tempting to give up.

This will happen many times.

Nobody has an obligation

to push through,

but if you believe you are

the real thing,

you just will

even when you don't want to.

This is how you discover

who you really are.

This is when you have to use

the very skill you claim to possess

to weave a world in which

you are among the very best.

This is not done with words

or even with external achievements.

This is done in secret,

over time.

It is done in the details

that you spy

which others overlook

but are precious and important.

You who see the game

the wide lens unframed

depth of the whole thing,

you are the one

who disturbs the force around you,


Your energy might effervesce

your way might confess

what you've seen

who you've been

who you are,

therein is the test.

Can you endure

the spellbinding poetry

magnetic to the vagrant eye?

It tells tales of all parts of you,

these are the voices from which we shy away.

But they that seem to beam

from within you

and into others around you,

as if reading, as it were,

between the lines;

what is that text, exactly,

which is written in actions

giving a metaphysics

to our hearts and our minds?

Might that not be

the eternal poetry of time?

Something endless,

in your chest and mine?

Whilst I rhyme and write lines

you solve some other predicament

happening now, in our time,

and so we are the same,

at service to life

and each other

in our own way.

Can you endure

the loneliness

the vague psychosis

the alienation of a world of folk

who think they'll call

you're bullshit?

Are you so sure,

is ultimately the question.

Are you so sure

of your intent,

that it is indeed divine?

Do you have the courage

to look into a dubious eye

and speak your whole

complex truth

in a glance or a smile?

Did you hear the laws spoken?

did you ever walk alongside lightning?

Did the pigs fork you

like animals at a formal dinner?

Did the great minds of each time

each era,

did they sound like family

of some other sort?

Did you think that maybe

things could be different

that you had and have the answer

with no way to deliver it?

Did you dream big and feel a fool?

Did they laugh at you

and energize your ego

and make you better

with their ugly, shitty love?

Did you learn to love them, too;

those haters, losers,

those liars afraid of their truth?

If you didn't,

you are not you.

You are some version of them,

a shade of gray behind the wind,

of a storm that always comes

and says it is innocent.

And that is okay, too.

An artist is one who

breaks himself

to be true

(not to know the truth).

He may never express it

as we egoic do

(writing and painting and dancing and song)

but if he does it

that deep work

where the gears of infinity lock

and work their magic into life

then he has made art

and he will be art

because courage to be true

and being it, through and through,

is to be nearest to your essence

that of God's light.

Friday, October 15, 2021

A Frontman's Woes

I miss you, stage
I miss you, audience, energy, madness
drunk fans in the front giving me swigs
offering me tokes
I miss you, lovely night trips
through mountains and highways
at night.
To big cities, to small squares
in the center of small Sierra towns,
I miss you, music,
I am sorry that I was made
like this:
not a banker, not a lawyer, not a salesman,
not a businessman.
I am just a performer,
out of work,
who has tried to deny to himself
how much he loved it,
those nights,
your glow and sweat and laughter,
oh, what it was to love thousands at a time.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Extra Sensory Perceptions of an Eavesdropper Spirit

They give me their secrets,
The logic they bury
The visions
Tossed to dreams
By the suppression of day
As if s gravity
Felling truths
We have chosen
To ignore in our days.

They show me
The things they see,
But more importantly,
How they see them.

A Friend's Encouraging Words

Sure, man,
Life is a prism
But accept the prison
Constraints and limitations of life
We all live in 'em
For the love of livin

Every man here
Is here
Now that's beginning
Something like family
And having visions
Of acquisition
So we can flex our giving
Our search for our position
Not just our gifts within us
But for the compass
That magnetism
This life
This swirling prism
This light
Sometimes a prison
From which we seek flight
Like a bat at night
Into gamma
Into that place
Outside of light

It might be our disgrace
If i heard them right
But there's a direction
To every hibernating bear
Or bird in flight
You can spy it right there
In the details of life
The truth it's come to glare
It's so blazing bright.

I won't say
That we leave the maze
Energy plays
And blossoms in ways
That no sage could say
We trough our dreams
Upon a page
Upon a caveman's cave
Through the tincture
Of the flowers
Dirt and stones of the day.

Strong Women

The whole song of life
Singing in your gentle sights,
Dreams interweaving

For a comfortable ride
Where grandma tells stories
And still laughs
With her eyes.

Something about 
You ladies,
Some of you
See through tragedy

Some of you fight
Tooth and nail
And now the quilt
And then the needle
And the thread
Stories at night
And a real live fire
Burning inside us all.

And we'll sing
And we'll laugh
And gratitude
Will slowly
Melt us to mud
And the future
Will dance 
In the rain.

Transformative Path of the Masterless Prophets

The dreams of the men
Who slept in the manger
During the winter
Were mostly 
Yet, among them
Was a young addict
An educated boy
An awakened soul.

What he missed most
He couldn't let go
And what he let go
Haunted him,
What he saw both amazed him
And came to
Crush him.
Pulverize him
To steam,
Invisible steam
To cycle through
From the ocean
To the clouds
To the snow and the rain
All his pain
Squeezed out
He thought he
Would not survive
The whole 
Transformative pain.

But said haunting ghosts
Dove fast through
Sparing no time
To catch the young man
Who gave 
With all his might.

To have seen love
Walk like lightning
Upon the shores 
Of outstanding sight
Depth of night
Milky breaths of cold
Shining fire 
From the mind
To the skin
Of the ocean
And shimmering, again.

And then the sound,
Water bubbling,
Sipped by the sand
Waves gulping
Foam Cymbals 
Thin water stretching
Like a hand up the
Inside the dress
The salty of dance
Was the sand 
And the smell of moon
Peppered with brine.

You Blessed Nothing

Hold onto this string here.

There you go,
Watch out
For that right there
But the past, too,
Is s screaming car.
That angry driver is you
One day
Acting like an asshole
As we All do.

It's inevitable.

Here are some tips:
Listen to music 
And don't just hear it.

Study language while you're at it
And come up with theories
If you're going to go crazy.

If you like going crazy
For some reason.

Mathematics or Jesus
can center you.

Even the heavy metals
Of the netherworld 
Do not compare 
To the atomic bomb,
They say.

I dunno if i agree.
Mind shattering fury:
If they don't breed the very devil
They breed something
That dies for a while
Wilted as if exhaling life
With all its strength
Ever so slowly
And determined.

So the mathematics 
Will help you count
While your down
Taking a breather
Wondering if it's all worth it,
"What the hell, man? I thought we were cool de la?"

But yeah, it's a wilderness out there.
Don't let the right angles
Confuse you 
Don't let the perfect teeth
And shiny tech 
Eat you up as Chew your mind
You're a god damn monkey
With some vague notion of why life is
And is about,
And you'd probably not die for it.

Why should anyone have to 
if they come in peace and mean no harm?

Word Escape

I should not fight
The weight
That my heart feels
And simply place it
Upon my pages
Always ready for
syllabic arms
To open my windows
And blow my thoughts away.

paradise later

I can smell it
In the breeze
A long lost

It's something
I sometimes see
And ignore
So i can live
My life.

That clay
They used
To shape me
To walk through
The universe's mind

Memories that we hold
Give light,

There's so little here
but so much
buried inside

I dig a hole
I build a bridge
I build a city and then the lie
that not now
but someday
we will arrive.