Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Farm

Bathing in birdsong
Bubbling with
Cow moos,
Crackling with crooning
Roosters, out of sight;
One bird repeats the same melody
Flapping wings sound
Like what they are:

At night the bullfrogs
Say "oh, oh, oh"
Like stereotypical
Italians who don't understand
Why what happened, happened.

The maritacas garble
Their squaks and
Crack the tones
Of their squeaks
As they fly in couples
Symbols of love.

I wouldn't quite imagine
It all as conversation
Though i do presume
Things are being said.
That some logic
Understandable to me
Or not
Weaves within
All that expression
Even if it be
Nothing more
Than avian love song
Mammalian tenderness
Cooing life
Dreaming ever more deeply
Upon the breathing bossom
Of the Earth.


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