Friday, October 29, 2021


While denying what is divine

and what

the sacred says

curious minds do

go to rest

lay and dream

and if they wake

they do not know

there difference

until what seems

becomes a bright light

and living becomes a dream.

Only then,

said a sage

on the internet, back in the day,

does your soul

have the lightness of being

required for the


There is no way out, though,

Camus prays still,

in his eternal afterlife

for the dharma to birth him

into that zen darkness

that fundamental taboo

which his heart

saw the waning nirvana

and queens in the maria

spreading the clouds

with their song of lament.

Finally embracing the magnificence

he saw not the light

but all that is light

existing in its way.

As red blue green and so forth

come from which

so, too, does everything living

or otherwise

soon come to live, as it were,

once its buoyance is felt

and the melody jiggles

the floor from your feet

and it feels

you are walking on air.

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