Thursday, November 25, 2021

Odyssey I

Have you grown tired

of human being?

Did you vomit

when forced to face it,

the world, as you saw it?

Did you agree to a lie?


Did this cause a change?

Did you mind rearrange?

Did nature take her course

through you,

through your wounds?


Did you sing

“sail me away,

do it soon”?


Did you feel

“there is just nothing

I can do”?


Was outer space

within you, too?


Why don't you and me

swim through


Why don't we

love better?

Did the whole sun burn within you?


I can't take the lead

we must go there dancing

we must go hand-in-hand


and I will drag you there

and you will carry me then

we will fall and die

so many times

before we get there

but when we do

oh, my love,

when we do

we will see!

and we will explode

into a nebulae of gold,



Somewhere distant

beyond the stars

don't you cry,

don't you worry,

we're all hungry,

we're all starved,

we're all slaves,

we'll all perish,


this is the way,

though it hurts

we still sing,


we'll find a way,

it's what we do,

those who believe

can do anything.

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