“When I talk to myselves,” began
Jimmy (or whomever he might have been at the moment), “I ask myself
three questions: Is this idea actually any good?; Am I the first dude
to have the idea? And if not, is someone else with way more resources
and money already working on the idea? If so, great, let him do it.
I don't need to do it.” That night (July 3rd 2014), Jimmy claimed
that maybe creation isn't all it is cracked up to be. I think he
used the expression, “the bee's knees”, which is an expression I
really like. But the idea of “myselves” is pretty interesting
and got me thinking just now, which is the 4th of July,
the day after the above commentary by Jimmy.
Today I am thinking, there are many Joaos. There is Joao the
Man: Joao The Man is a Joao who walks around thinking he
is The Man and sometimes feels like he is The Man and even tells
himself sometimes, usually in his head, in private, in a whisper,
“you're The Man”. Then there is Joao the Humble. Joao the
Humble is a Saint type character designed, most likely, to temper
Joao the Great or Joao the Man (he has more than one name for
himself, come to think of it). Joao The Humble is pious and
religious and makes Joao the Flesh pray before lunch and dinner and
makes him really think twice before repeating mistakes. Joao the
Humble does not always win and is super understanding. There is Joao
The Rebel and Joao the Sharp. Joao the Rebel has a
disdain for Life and an often uninformed criticism of Reality and/or
The System. He is always kind of like, “Fuck this Shit", whatever or whomever it may be. Then Joao The
Humble comes by and talks to him. Sometimes this talk takes days.
And Joao The Flesh walks around pensive and people call him moody and
then Joao The Sensitive appears: he usually hides in the darkness of my mind because the brightness of the Realm of Living Energy just makes
that motherfucker crazy...Joao The Sensitive can't handle shit, but he
is pretty good at certain stuff...like being sensitive. And
expressing that sensitivity. Joao The Sensitive has a vivid
imagination and kind of can't distinguish between what he feels and
what is quote unquote “real”. He sort of lives in a place with
no lines, no boundaries, where all is One and Chaos is the true
reality and living is simply making sense of all of that chaos and
building a little sand castle to pass the time, until high tide,
until bed time.
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