Saturday, July 12, 2014


I am often overwhelmed by gratitude
needing less stuff
wanting only more free time
hoping to exit the irreparable
cycle of Life with joy
and to leave behind love
and clear proof of my affection
for you and for myself.

I can't think of a better goal
than to love you as best I can --
whomever you are, where ever
you might be.  The rest is the folly of ego
and the reaction to Fear
which the man-made world has learned
is an effective crowd management device
and recruiter of laborers for their system,
which I had to learn to love,
and cooperate with
and forgive,
as may you.

And a good joke.  Can't live with out 'em.
Jokes are like the mules
that carry all the heavy crap
you should forget
so you can carry your happiness
and your smile
and a pillow,
a soft, clean pillow
as you stride out into
the universe, unsure if it is womb
or casket.

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