Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Square

The love age is light years
the sounds the stars
every wave we are riding
and so on.

I didn't hear him correctly
and thought too much
about what I'd thought I'd heard
and six years later I was crawling
out of the womb of depression
with an ache in some unidentifiable place
and a head full of useless
wisdom that only made one sadder.

Well, there is more than what I see
that is for sure.  I see
and even am what I feel, sometimes.
Sometimes you are out to get me.
Sometimes I am a creature.
I look at my hands and feet
and they look weird.  I listen to
the people in the square talk
and watch them walk and then
I notice the sky and imagine
that beyond the day-blue there is
unimaginable dark nothingness
that goes on forever
and I'm like, Jesus.
We're pretty funny.

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