Sunday, March 2, 2014

Love Economics

When I contemplate the economics of our
relationship, I can see that you are winning,
in control, because I invest
and invest without the return I expect.
I calculate further and see that
my expectations are not based
on anything solid.

So, then I doubt myself and 
later find myself addicted to my wisdom
because I know that I know what is
going on but I just don't do anything about it.

It is my excuse for being a pussy
not following my gut instinct
thinking that thinking is the way 
to figure this problem out.

But it isn't you.  You aren't the problem.
You are perfect, I have seen it and 
and still want it but the truth is that
I would rather not contemplate
the economics of my relationships
unless I am at work or bargaining at a tent
over some already low priced
artifact of what will be a priceless memory.

I am thinking too much.  I am being a hunting
adult and calculating, as I should,
the prospect of being in a room
of a house about to go to sleep.

Turning off the light, putting myself in the bed
and saying "I love you" and 
meaning it with all my heart.

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