Monday, November 3, 2014

The Big Bang

About my aggression --
once a single, violent conflagration
desperate to illuminate
the Infinite Void
in which I thought myself trapped --
it has learned how to live
in such a place:

replacing frustration
and fury and all that energy
that'd been balled up into One --
that Singularity resisting
the fracture into Life --

that one fire that
would either consume All or Itself
is now Infinite Flames
tossed into the still, deceivingly quiet Abyss;
scattered, random,
chaos no less than ever before
only now,
perfectly spaced
but not imprisoned.

Each star has a function,
each sees the other
and burns to the death

illuminating with all its might
and patience --

my cosmology,
celestial bodies working together
light is light is light
from Light
and Light from Energy,

the same Original Nature,
like nine hundred ninety nine billion
nine hundred ninety nine million
and so forth monks
sent to war, meditating on the front line
for Peace, reaching into the character Nemesis
to His Heart, which beats and bleeds for us All.

This Universe of ours
is nice.  A well-lit neighborhood,

a lovely place to meander
when you are ready
to forget what you thought was True

or, at least, realize that all truths
are as mortal as you --

Save Mystery,
she will outlast us all.

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