Wednesday, July 29, 2015

today i shederized a tear

Melancholy does my heart
achey-ache observerin
mundial affairs as are.
Status, statisticus,
etcetera, ad infinitum
through death and
yummy-money stink
and good Chinese, Angolan,
Mexican – immigrants and native
to their own soils – slaves
of contemporaneity, my fellows.

Today I shederized a tear
or two, alone here in my
musicless interval of
thoughts, all of which was
full of heart and truth
like fetuses of my affair
with goddess Psyhe herself
which, for my health of mind,
were aborted before they could
a come on out screamerin
and distorterin my precious
world-view and pacificitificationdom.

I'm the only thing that matters, anymore.

Smarts is only good for getting

today cause smarts alone
with no business acumen
is that mortal recipe for
special sauce crack-cocaine;
methamphetomine; crystal-crumbed
super grass; purely man-made tasty-ass poisons;
hard, cheap corner store spirits

to numb me antennae,

falsify my delisions.
Validate yours, Gingerbread man.

Turn them into a lie
like you insisted they is.
Smarts from the books and ideas
without balls or a deep throat
so the world can f+ck the troof
into you immaculately
so that nastiness you hate
ain't nastier than you
and you is just humble
and workerin hard as the dumb
cog-man, cromagazine sex-changed
womenish miracles a science –
amazerin, distracten beautery –
drunk-drivinerin wives
gone mad at the maid
and life altogether:

Equality is killerinus.
You are killerin me.

My goodness, education tenderizes
when it should coat
cloak rape break
and gently casket
your goodness
put it on a shitty little
boatsy to Heaven
so a wave can smash it
to watery death
out beyond our innocent view
and not even your
prayers make it there,
you fool and
quit learnerin crap

start deceiverin. Deliver your freedom
to D'allah, in whom we trust,
and sweat for his green cape
to knight your worthless ass
and give you shelter
through these miserable,
sad, nasty sluts we've all becomified.

Ever feelerish as if?

Driverin from here to there
everyday and just now I seen
the billboard. It read,
“Welcome to the Animal Kingdom, Maaaaan!”
Lucky bastard was surrounderized
by ladies, beer, drugs.
Not a worry in sight
smiling from ear to ear.

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