Monday, June 1, 2015

a lot in life

Somewhere in the
Kingdom of God
there is a
post for you.

Live and learn;
follow and lead;
come and go;
open and close
the doors to Moments
Life invites you
to enter,

and be grateful

(In fact, if there ever
were a skill to develop –
a sense to fashion
keener than the rest –
it would be
that of gratitude.).

Close the door
if you plan
to stay in a moment,
to make it a forever
or a season
or a vacation
from Normal;
close the door
when you leave.

Let your spirit
not linger there,
in Moments passed.

You will always
get somewhere, just
keep on going.

That post for which
the Lord interviewed you
may not be your destination.
There are the called,
as they say,
and there are the chosen.

Even the eternal
wanderer who seems
to have no post
carves, from the
tremendous pace of sunlight,
a space with the blade
of his very being.

His and a cathedral's
shadow result from
the same phenomenon:
equal labor and industry;
equal symbolism, sacredness,
equal beauty;
the same hands sculpted
both the beggar and the throne
of the very king he might have
been in a past life,

the same society lifted him
into palaces
as now forces him
to repose in an Eden
behind the veil of poverty:
should he find it,
he will profit the boon
of the rarest mortals.

The kingdom
may pass through
the gates of his bones,
but in this life
it is but a cruel metaphor:
a cold wind both trembles
and troubles him,
ironically fortifying
the stalk of his spirit.

He may have beheaded
Emperors with a single breath
lifetimes ago,
as with a single breath
the final iota of
Will will flee
the labrynth of forces
binding flesh to soil
or Adam to Eve
or atom to atom
until all of humanity
is riddled with wormholes
decomposing on a special rock
somewhere in the universe.

And the Universe
will eventually tire,
as each of us already has.
And she will have to sleep
for another eternity
if we are ever to be
dreamt up again.

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