Friday, October 24, 2014

Far From the Truth

Pride is the sensation upon touching, for the first time,
the surface of the object of your affection:
the flag; the victory; the once impossible End; Love.

That being true, or not, it doesn't matter because
a poet will say just about anything
to score more of that Life
that Love high that dreamy
Peace pill poppy Ohm ride
one more one more
c'mon, just one more  ...

Upon learning that even the drop of water
and the thread of fabric are as deep
and ontologically miraculous and full
as the sea or the tissues of thine very own flesh,
brains, bones ...

well, one is likely to suspect
the findings of science as being
a testament of a specific expression,
a particular and practical variety of observation,
through which is told a story of the world
and existence so beyond the senses
that only the mind can reach and touch
this scripture in Braille

and the honest heart will warm
with awe and humility,

and somewhere a head will bow
and the Lord will hear

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