Thursday, October 16, 2014

Observation: Happy João Conditions

A happy João is a João who manages to make enough time for himself to cook fresh food, do some writing, exercise, and philosophize with Georgia, the canine expression of the universe, about effective pedogogical methodologies, the ancient art of animal husbandry and the possible connections between the two. I insist that animals can learn how to reason creatively, she insists on crying until I give her some petting-action or distract her with human food and I don't know if this means we agree to disagree or have struck an intellectual accord. But I know this much: so long as there is gas in the stove and a fresh filter in the water thingamajigger, so long as the rent is paid, food and cleaning supplies remain affordable and music remains makable, friends stay close and family within the reach by phone skype or deep meditation, I might begin to consider myself one of the richest men on planet Earth and forcably argue the position with about anyone. But not yet.

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