Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Without You

Passion needn't be reckless.  And wild needn't be dangerous.
Intense needn't expire before mild.
All hearts have a rhythm.
One should never speak in absolutes, you know
it takes creativity, sometimes, to accept the truth.
Delusion to love a truth that is not for you.

And truth is not an argument of words
but whatever asserts its being
before your own.
No great thinker ever said,
I am perceived, therefore I am.

The saint called Peter will hold
a picture of you as a child
next to your old and weary face.
If there is a trace, not of youth,
but of that former you;
if that child was protected
you will step forward
transubstantiate into wave and photon
no less the you
you now are.

Can't you see?
Infinity is incomplete without you.

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