Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Interpretation of a dream

I found my passion
it was a picture I saw
a long time ago in
Time magazine of a monk
Indian style on a sidewalk.
He was on fire and
according to the caption he
was silent.  So deep in
whatever else there is that
being on fire was something
else to him.  Something painless.

In the dream I knew that the
monk in the picture was me
as I looked for the metaphor
all I could know was that
there was one.
On the white at the
bottom of the picture was written:
And then in much smaller writing set
in parenthesis 
it said (don't look for the lady
in the picture
find her in your arms.).
There was a winking smiley face
that looked like this: ;)

I looked at the picture again.
I saw in this picture
that I found in my mind
a landscape.
This landscape was within me
as if I were a glass sculpture
standing on a lone golden meadow
surrounded by a forest
which grew on the side of a mountain.
It was a particularly beautiful day.
Anyone would want to be there.
This territory was the Earth --
the Mother -- and I was to be integrated
with the Earth.  My mind,
this fire, my figure, were in the Timeless
never going to die
but I can only see them for this little while,
I said to myself.

And then I woke up.

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