Saturday, December 7, 2013

I am an artist.

I used to say it with pride.  Maybe too much pride.  But, whatever.  I now say it as a statement of fact: I am an artist.  It is something that I have learned about myself over the years.  

Whether you know it or not, I am an artist. Whether anyone in the world pays me for my art or not, I am an artist.  Whether I am or am not introduced as a poet who writes music and plays a little guitar and even has a few paintings and drawings, I am an artist.  I am that poet.  Heck, in my mind, I am also that poem, that song, those paintings and drawings.  I am those things, too.

Whether I tell you or not; whether you see it in my eyes or can tell after a little while or not; whether you believe it, acknowledge me as such or not, guess what?

That's totally cool.  It's not on you to tell me who or what I am, or to care.  But, I'm just saying, because it finally sunk in and feels kind of good: I'm an artist.

I'm an artist, I'm an artist.  

It's fucking beautiful, I'm gonna go write a song about it.

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